Q1. Select the correct alternatives and write the answers.
i) Which of the Following is most appropriate for thalassemia?
a) decrease of either beta ( ) or alpha ( ) globin chain of HbA
b) decrease of alpha cells of pancreas
c) decrease in WBC count
d) decrease in platelets
Answer : a) decrease of either beta ( ) or alpha ( ) globin chain of HbA
ii) Injury to __________ causes sudden death.
a) cerebrum
b) pons varolli
c) medulla oblongata
d) diencephalon
Answer : c) medulla oblongata
iii) Name the smooth muscle of urinary bladder.
a) cardiac
b) detrusor muscle
c) dartos muscle
d) gubernaculum
Answer : b) detrusor muscle
iv) Identify the cell labelled ‘A’ in T.S of Testis
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