This article will help you, students, in knowing about the entity physics a subject is very important for science students and its topmost physicists and their inventions in physics.
What is physics
Physics is a branch of science that studies matter and its motion as well as how it interacts with energy and forces. Physics is a part of the basic science subject. There are many branches of physics including astronomy, motion, waves, electricity, theory of relativity, sound, and light.
Physics studies the smallest elementary particles and atoms as well as the largest stars and the universe. Scientists who are experts in physics are called physicists.
Physicists use the scientific method to develop scientific laws and to test hypotheses. Some of the most famous scientists in history are considered physicists such as Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein.
Scientists and their inventions in physics
1) Albert Einstein – published the theory of relativity.
2) Sir Isaac Newton – published the three laws of motion and explained how gravity works.
3) Galileo – demonstrated that heavy objects do not fall faster than lighter ones in his famous Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment also well-known as the father of modern physics. Galileo also registered his name into the invention of the telescope.
4) Benjamin Franklin – Inventor of electricity.
5) Nicholas Copernicus – discovered that the Earth rotates around the Sun.
6) John Dalton – described the atom and the atomic theory of matter into chemistry, and also for his research into colour blindness.
7). The Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell, 1876)
Alexander Graham Bell – discovered the telephone which became the lifline of todays era in communication.
Significance: Enabled real-time voice communication over long distances.
Impact: Changed how people connect, leading to the development of global communication networks.
8) Max Planck – discoved the energy quanta and described quantum theory for which he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.
9) Werner Karl Heisenberg – a German physicist one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics.
10) Sir J.J Thomson – discover the electron, which was the first subatomic particles and proved the existence of isotopes for stable elements.
11) First Image of a Black Hole’s Magnetic Field (2021) –
Achievement: Using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), scientists captured the first image of a black hole’s magnetic field. This was achieved by observing the polarized light around the black hole at the center of the galaxy M87, first imaged in 2019.
Provided insights into how black holes consume matter and release powerful jets of energy. Enhanced our understanding of relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, the physics of magnetic fields near black holes. Confirmed aspects of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity in extreme conditions.
12. The Laser (Theodore Maiman, 1960) –
Significance: A device that emits light through optical amplification based on stimulated emission of radiation.
Impact: Used in various fields, including medicine (laser surgery), communications (fiber optics), manufacturing (cutting and welding), and entertainment (CDs and DVDs).
13. The Transistor (John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley, 1947)-
Significance: A semiconductor device that amplifies or switches electronic signals and power.
Impact: The foundation of modern electronics, including computers, smartphones, and the Internet. It kickstarted the Information Age.
14. The Theory of Relativity (Albert Einstein, 1905 & 1915) –
Significance: Einstein’s Special and General Theories of Relativity transformed our understanding of space, time, and gravity.
Impact: Applications include GPS technology, which relies on relativistic corrections for accurate location tracking, and advancements in astrophysics.
15. The Light Bulb (Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan, 1879)-
Significance: Revolutionized daily life by providing a reliable, long-lasting source of light, replacing candles and gas lamps.
Impact: Sparked the growth of electrical infrastructure, enabling advancements in industries, homes, and education.
Top Important definitions in physics Read More.
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