BSc Physics Syllabus: BSc Physics Subjects

After Class 12 many students opt for B.Sc degree among those some take admission in B.Sc For the students reference here is the Syllabus of B.Sc physics for Mumbai University. This article will display you all the B.Sc Physics Syllabus for B.Sc degree students according to their semester’s subjects.

B.ScPhysics is an undergraduate degree course in Physics Specialization. The course duration is 3 years. The minimum eligibility for pursuing this course is an intermediate 10+2 in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology as compulsory subjects

Syllabus for B.Sc Physics Subjects
SEMESTER – I (Bsc 1st Year 1st semester Physics Syllabus 2020)

Bsc 1st year physics syllabus 2020

Classical Physics

Unit: I

1. Newton’s Laws: Newton’s first, second and third laws of motion, interpretation and applications, pseudo forces, Inertial and non-inertial frames of reference. Worked out examples (with friction present)

2. Elasticity: Review of Elastic constants Y, K, η and σ; Equivalence of shear strain to compression and extension strains. Relations between elastic constants, Couple for twist in cylinder.

3. Fluid Dynamics: Equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s equation, applications of Bernoulli’s equation, streamline and turbulent flow, lines of flow in airfoil, Poiseuille’s equation.

Unit: II

1. Lens Maker’s Formula (Review), Newton’s lens equation, magnification-lateral, longitudinal and angular.

2. Equivalent focal length of two thin lenses, thick lens, cardinal points of thick lens, Ramsdenand Huygens eyepiece.

3. Aberration: Spherical Aberration, Reduction of Spherical Aberration, Chromatic aberration and condition for achromatic aberration.

4. Interference: Interference in thin films, Fringes in Wedge shaped films, Newton’s Rings (Reflective).


1. Behavior of real gases and real gas equation, Van der Waal equation

2.Thermodynamic Systems, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Concept of Heat, The first law, Non Adiabatic process and Heat as a path function, Internal energy, , Heat Capacity and specific heat, Applications of first law to simple processes, general relations from the first law, Indicator diagrams, Work done during isothermal and adiabatic processes, Worked examples, Problems.

bsc physics syllabus 2020

Modern Physics

Unit I

1. Structure of Nuclei: Basic properties of nuclei, Composition, Charge, Size, Rutherford’s expt. for estimation of nuclear size, density of nucleus, Mass defect and Binding energy, Packing fraction, BE/A vs A plot, stability of nuclei (N Vs Z plot) and problems.

2. Radioactivity: Radioactive disintegration concept of natural and artificial radioactivity, Properties of α, β, γ-rays, laws of radioactive decay, half-life, mean life (derivation not required), units of radioactivity, successive disintegration and equilibriums, radioisotopes. Numerical Problems.

3. Carbon dating and other applications of radioactive isotopes (Agricultural, Medical, Industrial, Archaeological –information from worldwide web).

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Unit II

Interaction between particles and matter, Ionization chamber, Proportional counter and GM counter, problems Nuclear Reactions: Types of Reactions and Conservation Laws. Concept of Compound and Direct Reaction, Q value equation and solution of the Q equation, problems. Fusion and fission definitions and qualitative discussion with examples.

Unit III

1. Origin of Quantum theory, Black body (definition), Black Body spectrum, Wien’s displacement law, Matter waves, wave particle duality, Heisenberg’s uncertainty Principle. Davisson-Germer experiment, G. P. Thompson experiment.

2. X-Rays production and properties. Continuous and characteristic X-Ray spectra, X-Ray Diffraction, Bragg’s Law, Applications of X-Rays.

3. Compton Effect, Pair production, Photons and Gravity, Gravitational Red Shift.

Practical’s 1

Note:-All Practicals for B.Sc Physics Syllabus Subjects will be based on above demonstrative topics

SEMESTER – II (Bsc first year Second Semester Physics syllabus)

Mathematical Physics

Unit I

1. Vector Algebra : Vectors, Scalars, Vector algebra, Laws of Vector algebra, Unit vector, Rectangular unit vectors, Components of a vector, Scalar fields, Vector fields, Problems based on Vector algebra. Dot or Scalar product, Cross or Vector product, Commutative and Distributive Laws, Scalar Triple product, Vector Triple product (Omit proofs). Problems and applications based on Dot, Cross and Triple products.

2. Gradient, divergence and curl: The ∇ operator, Definitions and physical significance of Gradient, Divergence and Curl; Distributive Laws for Gradient, Divergence and Curl (Omit proofs); Problems based on Gradient, Divergence and Curl.

Unit II

1. Differential equations: Introduction, Ordinary differential equations, First order homogeneous and non- homogeneous equations with variable coefficients, Exact differentials, General first order Linear Differential Equation, Second-order homogeneous equations with constant coefficients. Problems depicting physical situations like LC and LR circuits, Simple Harmonic motion (spring mass system).

2. Transient response of circuits: Series LR, CR, LCR circuits. Growth and decay of currents/charge.

Unit III

1. Superposition of Collinear Harmonic oscillations: Linearity and Superposition Principle. Superposition of two collinear oscillations having (1) equal frequencies and (2) different frequencies (Beats).

2. Superposition of two perpendicular Harmonic Oscillations: Graphical and Analytical Methods. Lissajous Figures with equal an unequal frequency and their uses

3. Wave Motion: Transverse waves on string, Travelling and standing waves on a string. Normal modes of a string, Group velocity, Phase velocity, Plane waves, Spherical waves, Wave intensity.

Electricity and Electronics

Unit I

1. Alternating current theory:(Concept of L, R, and C: Review) AC circuit containing pure R, pure L and pure C, representation of sinusoids by complex numbers, Series L-R, C-R and LCR circuits. Resonance in LCR circuit (both series and parallel), Power in ac circuit. Q-factor.

2. AC bridges: AC-bridges: General AC bridge, Maxwell,de-Sauty, Wien Bridge , Hay Bridge.

Unit II


1.Circuit theorems: (Review: ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws) Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Ideal Current Sources, Norton’s Theorem, Reciprocity Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. Numericals related to circuit analysis using the above theorems.

2.DC power supply:Half wave rectifier , Full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier, PIV and Ripple factor of full wave rectifier, Clipper and Clampers( Basic circuits only), Capacitor Filter. Zener diode as voltage stabilizer.

3.Digital electronics : Logic gates(Review), NAND and NOR as universal building blocks. EXOR gate: logic expression, logic symbol, truth table, Implementation using basic gates and its applications, Boolean algebra, Boolean theorems. De-Morgan theorems, Half adder and Full adder.

Unit III

Electrostatics and Magnetostatics

1. The Electric Field : Introduction, Coulomb’s Law, The Electric Field, Continuous charge Distribution, Electric Potential, Introduction to Potential, Comments on Potential, The Potential of a Localized Charge Distribution

2.Work and Energy in Electrostatics: The Work Done to Move a charge, The Energy of a Point Charge Distribution

3.Magnetostatics: Magnetic Fields

4.TheBiotSavart Law: Steady Currents,The Magnetic Field of a Steady Current 12 Helmholtz coil and solenoid

Practicals 2

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SEMESTER – III (Bsc 2nd year 3rd semester physics syllabus)

  • Mechanics and thermodynamics
  1. Unit I : Compound pendulum
  2. Unit II : Heat – Carnot’s cycle , Conversion of heat into work, heat engine Clausius theorem, Entropy etc
  3. Unit III: Thermodynamic related concepts, Third law of thermodynamics, Nernst heat theorem, Steam engine, Rankine cycle etc
  • Vector calculus ,Analog Electronics
  1. Unit I: Vector Calculus
  2. Unit II & III: Analog Electronics Related Topics
  • Applied Physics  – I
  1. Acoustics , Lasers and fibre optics
    1. Biophysics
      1. Materials – properties and applications
  • Practical’s

SEMESTER – IV(Bsc Second year 4th semester physics syllabus)

  • Optics & Digital Electronics
    1. Unit I: Diffraction
    1. Unit II: Polarization
    1. Unit III: Digital Electronics
  • Quantum Physics
    • Unit –I: The Schrodinger wave equation
    • Unit-II: Applications of Schrodinger steady state equation
    • Unit-III: Applications of Schrodinger steady state equation –II
  • Applied Physics – II
    • Unit 1 :Introduction to Geophysics
    • Unit II : Microprocessors
    • Unit III :
      • Radiation Physics
      • Radio Communications
  • Practical’s

SEMESTER – V(bsc 3rd Year 5th semester physics syllabus 2020)

  • Mathematical, Thermal and Statistical Physics
  1. Unit I: Probability
  2. Unit II: Complex functions and differential equations
  3. Unit III: Statistical Thermodynamics
  4. Unit IV: Classical and Quantum Statistics
  • Solid State Physics
  1. Unit  I: Crystal Physics
  2. Unit II: Electrical properties of metals
  3. Unit III: Band Theory of Solids and Conduction in Semiconductors
  4. Unit IV: Diode Theory and superconductivity
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics (have 4 units)
  • Electrodynamics
  1. Unit I: Electrostatics
  2. Unit II: Electrostatics in Matter , Polarization and Magnetostatics
  3. Unit III: Magnetostatics in Matter and Electrodynamics
  4. Unit -IV Electromagnetic Waves
  • Practical’s
  • Project

SEMESTER – VI(Bsc Third year sixth semester bsc physics syllabus 2020)

  • Classical Mechanics
    • Unit – I: Central Force
    • Unit –II: Lagrange’s equations
    • Unit -III Fluid Motion and Rigid body rotation
    • Unit -IV Non Linear Mechanics
  • Electronics (have 4 units)
  • Nuclear Physics
    • Unit – I: Alpha & Beta Decay
    • Unit –II: Gamma Decay & Nuclear Models
    • Unit –III: Nuclear Energy & Particle Accelerators
    • Unit –IV: Nuclear force & Elementary particles
  • Special Theory of Relativity
    • Unit I: Special theory of relativity & Relativistic Kinematics – I
    • Unit II: Relativistic Kinematics – II
    • Unit III: Relativistic Dynamics
    • Relativity and Electromagnetism
  • Practical’s
  • Project

For Full Analysis of B.Sc Physics Syllabus Subjects for B.Sc Degree course you can watch this video.

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