12th IT Exercise Solution ECommerce & EGovernance

Here is the exercise solution of chapter Ecommerce & E-governance for your class 12th IT of HSC Maharashtra Board textbook new syllabus 2024.

As students, you know that this chapter Ecommerce and E-governance is common for your class 12th Science and Commerce stream of the new syllabus of HSC Maharashtra Board.

class 12th HSC Information Technology (IT) Chapters Ecommerce and E-governance textbook Exercise solutions

For Exercise Solution of Q1. to Q5. fill in the blanks and Match the pairs, True or false and multiple choice correct answers please refer to this video, and the remaining answer, in brief, is in detail below. https://youtu.be/Q27pVzBntn4

12th IT Exercise Solution ECommerce & EGovernance

12th IT Exercise Solution ECommerce & EGovernance

Q6. Answer in Brief

1) Explain phases of trade cycle?


1) Pre-Sales: It consist of two steps like Search and Negotiate. Customer search for required website for product to be purchased. In Negotitate step customer find a supplier who offers good quality product at cheaper price and then customer agrees the terms forwarded by supplier.

2) Execution: This phase consist of Order & Delivery. Customer sends an order for the selected product and after processing the order, customer recieves delivery of the product.

3) Settlement: This phase consists of Invoice and payment. Invoice means customer receives a bill for purchased product and after confirmation of received product, customer will pay for the same.

4) After-Sales: This phase consists of warranty and after-sales services. In warranty period, customer will get all maintainance services for free or at minimum cost. After-sales services means customer will do complaints about the performance of product and get maintainance services from the supplier.

Q.2) Explain M-Commerce?

Ans: M-Commerce is simply Mobile Commerce used for buying and selling goods and services through wireless hand-held mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. As a variant of E-Commerce M-commerce also enables users to access online shopping platform without need of desktop computers.

Some of application of M-Commerce are mobile banking, ticket booking, E-Bill payment, Online auctions or transactions, stock market trading.

Q3) Describe process of Encryption?

Ans In Ecommerce specially the online transactions need to be safe as a virtue of which the data should be encrypted while buying or selling goods or services.

Encryption is widely used on the internet to protect user information being sent between a browser and a server. This includes passwords, payment information, and other personal information that should be considered as private. The process consists of two processes as encryption and decryption.

Process of Encryption ecommerce egovernance 12th IT Exercise Solution ECommerce & EGovernance

Encryption converts plain text into Cipher text means a non-readable form of data, whereas decryption, is exactly the opposite process of encryption which converts Cipher text into Plain text.

Encryption is of two types:-

  1. Symmetric
  2. Asymmetric

Q4) What is E-Governance?

Ans: E-Governance is the implementation of Information Technology in the government processes and functions so as to cause simple, moral, accountable, and transparent governance.

The basic purpose of e-governance is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens, businesses, etc, at National, state, and local levels.

E-Governance delivers SMART(S-Simple, M-Moral, A-Accessible, R-Responsive, T-Transparent Government)

Q5) List out advantages of E-Commerce?


Global scope: E-commerce provides sellers with a global reach. Now sellers and buyers can meet in the virtual world, without barrier of place.

Cost Saving: Ecommerce applications provides users with more options to compare and select the cheaper and better option. It helps in reducing the cost of searching a product. Ecommerce has enabled rural areas to access services and products which are otherwise are not available to them.

Electronic transaction: E-Commerce reduces the paper work and lower the transaction cost.

Anytime Shopping: The best advantage in ECommerce is conveniently shopping for 24*7 working functionally at all times.

Q6) Which are the different types of e-governance?

Ans: There are 4 types of E-Governance services

1) Government to Citizen (G2C):- The government to citizen refers to the government services which enable citizens to get access to wide variety of public services.

2) Government to Business (G2B):- The Government to Business is the exchange of services between government and business organizations.

3) Government to Government (G2G):- The Government to government refers to the interaction between different government departments, agencies, and organizations.

4) Government to Employee(G2E):- The Government to Employee is the internal part of the G2G sector. G2E aims to bring employees together and improvise knowledge sharing.

Q7) State two examples of G2E Services?

Ans: e-Mitra (Rajasthan), e-Seva project(Andhra Pradesh) are the two examples of successful implementation of G2E Services.

Q8) Write any four advantages of E-Governance?

Ans: There are many advantages of E-Governance are as follows:-

  • Reduced Corruption
  • More Efficient government management
  • Reduction in overall Cost
  • Improved relations between the public authorities and civil society.

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