HSC Geography Textbook Exercise Solutions chapter5 Secondary Economic activities

Students here is the detailed solutions for your exercise of chapter 5 “Secondary Economic activities” of your textbook. This article is all about “HSC Geography Textbook Exercise Solutions” of class 12 hsc maharashtra board new syllabus 2024-25.

Q1. Complete the following chain answers.


  1. Small Scale Industries – Manual Manufacturing – Ceramics

2. Cottage Industries – Skilled Craft persons – Potters

3. Consumer goods – Ready for direct consumption – Pharmaceutical

4. Private – Individual – Tata Iron and Steel Company

Q2. Identify the correct relation.

A. Assertion R. Reasoning

  1. A: The humid Climate of mumbai offered great scope for the development of cotton textile industries.

R: Industries require ample amount of water.

Ans: d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

2. A: In India, Industries are found concentrated in few areas are available.

R: India is predominently agrarian country

Ans: d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

HSC Geography Textbook Exercise Solutions

Chapter 5 Secondary Economic activities

Q3. Give Geographical Reasons.

  1. Distribution of industries in uneven.

Ans: Large banking and credit facilities, larger network of transportation, excellent communication facilities also affect industrial location.

Major indutrial regions of the world are those areas, where concentration of industries has occured due to favorable geo-economic conditions.

These are areas within which manufacturing industry is carried out on arelatively large scale employing large proportion of working population.

2. Iron and steel industries are found in mineral rich area of Dhanbad.

Ans:Chhota Nagpur plateau is a store house of mineral resources.

It has mica, bauxite copper, limestone, iron ore and coal.

Dhanbad is rich in coal mineral resources

Coal is heavy and bulky.

3. Food Processing industries are found in Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg districts of Konkan region.

Ans:Many fruits like mango, cashew nuts, etc are produced in konkan region

Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg district of Konkan region are famous are fomous for alphonso mango.

These regions also connect with many cities like Mumbai, Pune, etc so market facility is also available.

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