how to download and install xampp server on windows 64 bit

Here are some finalized steps on “how to download and install xampp server on windows 64 bit” pc laptop or a computer.

Students can refer this steps for class 12 HSC Information technology(IT) practicals or any other computer science student doing php programming practicals.

XAMPP full form represents as the initial X stands for the operating systems that it works with: Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X

The software package contains the web server Apache, the relational database management system(RDBMS) MySQL (or MariaDB), and the scripting languages Perl and PHP.

How to download and install Xampp server on windows 64 bit

Steps to Install XAMPP on Windows using xampp installer

1.) Step 1: Download

XAMPP is a release made available by the non-profit project Apache Friends. Versions with PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, & 8.0 are available for download on the Apache Friends website.

how to download and install Xampp server on windows 64 bit

2) Step 2: Run .exe file double clicking the setup file

Its xampp-windows-x64-8.0.0-2-VS16-installer.exe file will be downloaded when you go to the official website of Apache i.e Xampp installer.

3) Step 3: Deactivation of antivirus software

If you have any antivirus software installed you have to deactivate it for running the server to run PHP file.

4) Step 5: Start the setup wizard

Setup for xampp server

Now the setup wizard opens click on to next button to proceed.

5) Step 6: Choose software components

software pagkage components in xampp server

In this section of installation wizard of xampp it will ask you to choose the required package to work on. click as per your need,

to perform database operations(MySQL) or to run dynamic php(Apache, Tomcat) pages or any other file transfer FTP Server (FileZilla) mechanism.

6) Step 7: Choose the installation directory

Select the default xampp folder to store local files in it. if you have already existed xamp foleder then delete fo make a fresh installation.

7) Step 8: Start the installation process

Proceed with installation it will take aroung 10-15 minutes

8) Step 9:

Note: Make aware youself to block windows firewall if it gives error as connection still not established. it happens rarely.. but take care of it as well.

9) Step 10: Complete installation

After installation of xampp server you can check with your localhost server by entering localhost or localhost:8080 into your web browser’s address bar.

If it installed succesfully then it will display the xamp welcome dashboard with option menus else it will through an error as access denied.

For practical demonstration of both downloading and complete installation of Xampp server view this video

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