Server side sops solutions

12th IT ServerSide Scripting PHP Practical Solutions Hsc Maharashtra board new syllabus 2025

12th IT ServerSide Scripting PHP Skill Oriented Practical Solutions Hsc Maharashtra board new syllabus 2025.

What is server side scripting?

Serverside scripting languages are programming languages developed especially for creating dynamic HTML pages (or Web pages) on the server side.

server side scripting skill oriented practical program solutions

All the practicals of this chapter have been done using a localhost server i.e Xampp Server. If you are not aware of installing the Xampp server then here are some steps on how to install the Xampp server for PHP practicals.


Write a PHP program to check if a person is eligible to vote or not. The minimum age required is 18. Use PHP functions. Use decision-making statements.


PHP program to check if a person is eligible to vote


Write a PHP function to count total number of vowels (a,e,i,o,u) from the string. Accept a string using HTML form.



12th IT ServerSide Scripting PHP Practical Solutions


PHP function to count total number of vowels


Write a PHP Program to perform following operations on an associative array.

Display elements of an array along with their keys

Display the size of the array

Delete an element from an array from the given index.


12th IT ServerSide Scripting PHP Practical Solutions


Write a PHP Program to save marks of English, Hindi, Marathi, Maths, and Information Technology in an array. Display marks of the individual subjects along with total marks and percentage.


server side scripting skill oriented practical program solutions


Write a PHP Program to save marks of English, Hindi, Marathi, Maths, and Information Technology in an array for 5 students and display totals marks and percentage of each student using ‘for each’.



Write a PHP program to insert a roll no and student name in a database (use PostgreSQL data to create a database). Accept roll number and name from the user.


PHP program to insert a roll no and student name in a database
server side scripting sops

For all detailed step by step executing of all skill oriented practicals SOP solutions you can watch this below playlist of 6 programs on serverside scripting using PHP and database connection using postgresql.

you can subscribe to this youtube channel for more videos on IT subject.

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