Computer Science CS paper – 1 C++ Important programs for class 12 Hsc Maharashtra Board c++ programs for practice and some included in programming practice and principles using c++.
Here are some practical C++ programming listings in pdf having all important C++ practical programs
C++ Important programs for class 12 Hsc Maharashtra Board
Q1. Write a c++ program using constructor and destructor to find factorial of a given number?
Q2. Write a c++ program for overloading of unary + operator?
Q3. Write a program in c++ for addition of two matrices?
Q4. Write a program in c++ to check given number is prime or not?
Q5. Write a c++ program to find the Greatest Common Divisor of two natural numbers?
Q6. Implement a class temperature to convert degree Fahrenheit Value to degree Celsius value?
Q7. Write a program in C++ that inputs and stores 10 numbers in an array and prints the sum and average of the array elements?
Q8. Write a C++ program to display a series of 15 terms of Fibonacci series?
Q9. Write a C++ program that will read a line of text and count the number of words in a text.
Q10. Write a class in c++ to demonstrates the example of multilevel inheritance?
Q11. Write a class in c++ to demonstrates the example of Single inheritance?
Q12. Write a program in C++ which implements data conversion from one class to another.?
Q13. Write a program in C++ to overload binary + operator for addition of complex numbers?
Q14. Write a program in C++ to read data variables day, month, and year of a class date by the member function and displays the contents of class object?
Q15. Write a C++ program to find sum of first 100 natural numbers?
Q16. Write a c++ function to find surface area of sphere?
Q17. Write a c++ program to accept 10 integers in an array and find its sum and average?
Q18. Write a c++ function to find area of circle?
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