HSC IT 2025 New Paper Pattern new syllabus

Hello, students as Hsc board have declared the new syllabus way month back by the effect of which the paper Pattern also has been changed for IT(Information Technology) Class 12. This article post “HSC IT 2025 New Paper Pattern new syllabus” for the HSC Science stream and will help to get the idea about the IT Board Exams.

Paper Pattern for HSC Information Technology(IT) Maharashtra Board new syllabus 2024-25

Terminal Exams (Semester First)–(Information Technology -Science (97))———–Total Carry [50 MArks]

Questions.Question TypesNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks
1.Fill in the Blanks0505
2.State True or False0505
3.Multiple choice Single answer1010
4.Multiple choice Two correct answer0510
5.Multiple choice three correct answer0206
6.Match the following0404
7.I. Write a program using html (Or) I. Write a program using html0205
8II. I. Write a program using Javascript (oR) II. Write a program using javascript0205

HSC IT 2024-25 New Paper Pattern new syllabus

Paper Format for final year Board exam(Prelium exam)—————–Total Carry – 80 Marks

HSC IT 2025 New Paper Pattern new syllabus

Questions.Question TypesNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks
1.Fill in the Blanks1010
2.State True or False1010
3.Multiple choice Single answer1010
4.Multiple choice Two correct answer1020
5.Multiple choice three correct answer0206
6.Match the following0404
7. Answer Briefly ( Any 5)0810
8.A. Write a program using Html
A. Write a program using HTML
8.B. Write a program using JavaScript
B. Write a program using JavaScript

Practical Paper Pattern for HSC IT Maharashtra Board Exam 2024-25

A). Write a Program and execute the following program

Code carries — 05 Marks

Correct typing and syntax of program — carries—05 Marks

Execution of the program error-free — – carries–03 Marks

Printout of the output of program — caries—02 Marks

Completed Certified Journal with Timely Submission — carries—05 Marks

Chapter-wise Mark Distribution of class 12th HSC IT (Information Technology) new Syllabus:-

HSC IT Syllabus 2024-25 Maharashtra Board

Chapters.Chapter NameMarks without optionMarks with option
1. Advanced Web Designing2025
2. Introduction to SEO1012
3.Advanced JavaScript1520
4.Emerging Technologies1012
5.Server-Side Scripting(PHP)1515
6.E-Commerce & E-Governance1012

Weightage is given to the type of Questions

  1. Objective type questions—–60 Marks
  2. Short Answers—————10 Marks
  3. Long Answers—————-10MArks

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Chapter Wise Weightage marks distribution Class 12 HSC Science Maharashtra Board all Subjects click to read